About Ana
A quiet brain,
an aligned heart.
Hi, thank you for your curiosity and interest in learning more about me. Let me tell you a little bit about who I am.
I am a Cuban, Middle Eastern, Jewish woman in my early 50s. Mostly, this means I laugh loudly, give full-body hugs, love people by feeding them, and grew up with ‘debate’ being a normal mode of everyday conversation.
I am married to Ken Blackman, a genuinely remarkable man I openly adore and who loves to tease and annoy me to his great joy and mirth. It’s one of his favorite ways he likes to flirt.
We have a puppy named Joey that we adopted from the pound who loves to tease and annoy us and our two cats, Maggie and Greta, to his great joy and mirth. That is not at all flirtation; he’s just a puppy.
I often feel like my life is blessed and like I won the lottery. I don’t take any of the goodness I have for granted.

I say that because it wasn’t always like this. I have had a bunch of genuinely large-scale traumatic events happen to me, painful things that shattered me and my psyche for a long while.
My childhood was spent in a home filled with violence and sexual trauma, starting at 5. At 21, I left home to follow my dream of being a Broadway actress and singer, and I succeeded. But then I lost my father and brother in a brutal gangland-style killing.
I spent over 30 years making myself whole through extraordinary determination and commitment. And I am not finished and don’t believe I ever will be finished.
I am, however, solid and solidly me now. My day job is Sherpa-ing people through their emotional and psychological landscape so they too can feel solidly themselves. I am a certified coach, and my passion and expertise is in woman’s rightness. I am, what I call, a Women’s Rightness Expert.
In a world where women are constantly told that simultaneously we are too much and not enough, being unabashedly and authentically ourselves is an act of revolution.
My life’s work IS that revolution.
I have spoken to audiences all over the country and have coached women rock stars, entrepreneurs, and homemakers on the power and freedom of authentic rightness. And I have been featured on NPR, The NY Post, People Magazine, Shout out LA, and The Moth.
If you are interested in this revolution for yourself or your organization, please reach out to me. I look forward to connecting with you.